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Maths Hubs Mobius

MAT Leadership

Who can take part?

The project is for those who lead maths across multiple schools within a MAT, including at least one secondary school. This includes MAT maths leads who are continuing from previous years, and new participants. To better engage in the programme, participants are encouraged to have at least one school in a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Work Group in 2024/25, but this is not essential.

What is involved?

Now in its fourth year, this project supports those who lead maths across multiple schools within a MAT. Participants will also develop their role as a leader of system change, curriculum change, and teacher professional development.

New participants will complete a bespoke programme, and those continuing the project will develop their work together as a community. There will be opportunities for new and continuing participants to work together, so all can benefit from central provision and the opportunity for practice exchange with peers.

What will you learn?

  • You will promote and develop a shared vision for effective teaching and learning in maths
  • You will work with subject leaders across your MAT to lead and manage maths teaching effectively and to develop teaching for mastery approaches within your own department
  • You will understand the benefits of collaborative professional development for sustained development of professional knowledge and practice
  • You will understand effective models of maths teacher professional development, the rationale for using them, and the evidence that supports them

What is the cost?

The Secondary MAT Maths Leaders project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.

Contact us if you are interested in becoming a Secondary MAT Leader.