What a positive start to the Academic Year 2022/23 for Mobius Maths Hub
So far this Academic Year we have successfully engaged with over 319 schools and over 800 Teachers/TA’s in the following Hub activities:
- Open Work Groups
- Research Innovation Work Groups
- Online Engagement Events
- Local Leaders of Maths Educations Meetings
- Teaching for Mastering Groups
- Mastering Number
- and a Strategic Board Meeting
Here are some positive quotes from some of our Participants:
- “Discussion with other HoDs on areas of relevance to Maths specifically - well directed by the workgroup leader in terms of identifying areas which would lead to useful discussion.” Secondary Subject Leadership Participant.
- “Opportunity to talk to other subject leaders, discuss their approaches to common issues and situations.” Secondary Subject Leadership Participant.
- “Doing lots of activities and seeing lots of resources has helped focus our understanding of the purpose of CM. We've also had the chance to explore the pre-release and get other teachers'/schools' perspectives, which was great.” Developing Core Maths Pedagogy Participant.
- “We looked at some good resources that I wasn't previously aware of such as padlet and now implement these in my practise. I have also been sharing these resources with the other teacher of Core Maths in my department.” Developing Core Maths Pedagogy Participant.
- “New resources and ideas have been useful. Having colleagues on the course as well has meant opportunity for discussion” Developing Core Maths Pedagogy Participant.