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Maths Hubs Mobius


Primary School Mastery Programme 

During the school year, Maths Hubs will be working with thousands of primary schools to continue the spread of teaching for mastery across England.


The Teaching for Mastery Programme is a professional development opportunity designed to support teachers like you to develop best practice in maths in your school. It is suitable for schools interested in implementing a teaching for mastery approach to maths.


Schools start the programme based on the unique needs of their school. Our diagram shows a school's journey towards mastery. Use it to determine where your school's journey starts (click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey).

 Take a look at quotes from our Teaching for Mastery participants

Register now for 2025/2026


For further information about the Primary Schools Teaching for Mastery Programme please take a look at the NCETM website, or to see what is involved in a Mastery workshop session watch the video below.

If you would like further information about Teaching for Mastery, please email us.