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Maths Hubs Mobius

Targeted Support in Mathematics - Intensive

Intensive Support is available for schools that have never engaged with an NCETM Maths Hub or, due to circumstances, have paused engagement and need support to get back on track.

This is bespoke support for schools in need of additional capacity to enable them to benefit from standard and enhanced provision at a later stage.  The intensive provision would be targeted at schools identified through a formal process based on agreed criteria (e.g. attainment level) and referral (e.g. PEIA requests).

The intended outcomes for Intensive Support are to:  

  • ensure there is capacity within the school to foster a change in culture in the teaching and learning of maths.
  • develop a strong relationship with the Maths Hub and to ensure the school successfully begins to benefit from the Maths Hub’s teaching for mastery offer.

If you would like to find out more or apply for intensive support
please complete our enquiry form linked below:

Enquire Now!